Hope in the midst of hopelessness

Today is the first Sunday of Advent and we begin our Advent journey by focusing on the theme of HOPE.

The 19th Century American poet Emily Dickenson in one of her poems described hope in this way…
“Hope” is the thing with feathers–
That perches in the soul–
And sings the tune without the words
And never stops–at all.”

For too many people today the bird of hope has ceased to sing its song. Too many crises of life seek to rob us of our song and of our hope. For many people in Isaiah’s day, the same thing had happened. They had lost their hope at a critical time in history when war and conflict abounded. People’s hearts had turned away from God, and idol worship, superstitions, and rebelliousness had taken over. People were indifferent to spiritual truth.

The situation of Isaiah’s day has rung true for every generation since Isaiah first proclaimed God’s word of hope to Israel.

Isaiah came on the scene during war times with a message of hope and the promise of salvation. His message of hope came early in his career between the prosperity of King Uzziah and the reforms of King Hezekiah. The land is destitute. The people had everything except for a hope inspiring faith in God.

Speaking during those critical times, the prophet Isaiah pointed out several things that helped the people to see that all was not lost. He essential told them, “things will not always be this way.” Isaiah pointed the people back to the God, who is the source of hope. He encouraged them and encourages us to live in the reality of God’s amazing hope-filled promises. And this is where we begin our Advent journey.

Isaiah begins his prophetic message by directing the people of God back to their source of hope.
Isaiah announced…(verse 2a)
In days to come,
the mountain of the LORD’s house
shall be established as the highest of the mountains,

Isaiah directs the people of God to Jerusalem, where the temple stood. The Jerusalem temple was the center of Israel’s spiritual life and worship. The temple was the earthly place where God interacted with his people.

Isaiah declares that Jerusalem will be established as the highest hill, not because it would be literally made higher than any other mountain, but because the worship of God would be restored to its proper place in their lives.

As the Jerusalem temple became the center and focal point of the Jewish faith, so Christ’s life and work became the center and focal person of Christianity.

There have been other great people throughout history, but Jesus is the only one whom we declare and claim to be our Savior and Lord. Jesus is the rock upon which we have built and continue to build our faith upon.

Isaiah’s reminder to focus on what is most important to their faith, is also a reminder to us in the midst of our trying times to keep our focus squarely on the center of our faith.

There have been moments in my life where I found myself despairing over the state of the world. It is the face of the joyous child of the manger as well as the pain stricken face of Jesus on the cross draw me back to the mystery of our God who offers us hope through his beloved Son.

What are you focusing your attention during this season? Is it the hype of the season or the child of manger?

Isaiah moves on to announce to the people that the God of Hope, who is the center of their faith, cannot be hidden and that people will be attracted Him.
This is a prophecy that stretches out over many hundreds of years. Another way of stating Isaiah’s declaration is “You don’t see it now, things look very dark and desolate–but don’t give up hope. A day is coming when the Messiah will come–salvation will be available to all people, even to Gentles.”

Jerusalem, the mountain of the Lord will be so prominent that people will stream to it. They won’t feel coerced or pressured to come, they will just WANT to come to it to.
In the New Testament, Jesus referred to this in a roundabout way to Jerusalem by declaring that a city on a hill cannot be hidden in Matthew 5:14. It was hard not to notice Jerusalem in the Judean hills. People could see it and went there to worship God.
During this season, there are classic movies and music that people return watch, and listen to year after year. Charles Dickens’s story “A Christmas Carol” or Charles Shultz A Charlie Brown Christmas or Handel’s beautiful “Messiah” are just three examples of this.

There is something attractive and compelling about these two examples that keep people coming back to them. Every time they are watched, read, or listened to deeper meaning is found.

There is something innately timeless, profound, attractive, and mysterious about the Christmas Story that draws people to it. There is something that touches people on some deeper level that they can’t always understand or express easily. We are reminded that we don’t have to make the story of Christ’s birth interesting, because it is interesting in and of itself.

For the past 2000 years people have been drawn into the mystery and meaning of it. The story has inspired great works of art and music that continue to express the beauty and meaning of it. The child of the manger keeps people coming back to our Christmas Eve services year after year.

What continues to intrigue you and draw you into the Christmas story?

Following this announcement Isaiah declares that all is not lost because out of Zion will come instruction. The Biblical story of God’s love for us helps people to connect their own stories to it and to find meaning in their lives through what the people of Bible experienced and learned. That for me is one of the things that draws me to the Christian story.

Being a naturally skeptical person, I love the story of Doubting Thomas who questions the resurrection, but one who Christ holds out his scarred hands to and invites new belief in him. I can wrestle with the complexities of life as the skeptical Preacher of Ecclesiastes does and return again and again to what is most important about life. No matter what we experience or struggle with, there is a story in the people that helps us to connect with God who become one of us in Christ.

There is so much to learn and relearn from those who were involved in the birth of Christ. There is always something new to be learned from the prophets who pointed to the birth of Christ, from Mary, Joseph, the shepherds, the Wiseman who were directly involved in the birth, and then to the Apostles who wrestled with the meaning and implications of Christ’s birth for the church.

The biggest challenge, I believe we face each year at this time is who among the cast of characters in the Christmas story do we need to listen and learn from.

Think for a moment, which person in the Christmas story is the Holy Spirit wanting you to pay close attention to this year?

And finally, Isaiah stirs the people of God to have hope by presenting them with God’s vision of the future.

Eugene Peterson in “The Message” translates the words of Isaiah in verse 4 like this
He’ll settle things fairly between nations.
He’ll make things right between many peoples.
They’ll turn their swords into shovels,
their spears into hoes.
No more will nation fight nation;
they won’t play war anymore.

That is truly an inviting vision that God offered to the people of Isaiah’s time and even for us today.

I remember one year where I visited my parents in California. That same year my older sister had returned to live and work in California.

My older sister and I had had a turbulent relationship over the years. I can’t remember what sparked us to have a full on drag out fight with each other, but we did. We shared years of hurt feelings, years of assuming the worst in each other, years of feeling not being heard and appreciated by each other.

The conversation was a messy one, but it ended up being transformational for both of us. The conversation was the forge of mediation by which God healed our broken relationship.

Years of angry words and actions needed to hammered into a new ways of peace where were we could love and relate to one another. Our embracing of God’s prophetic vision lay at the heart of this transformation. It has lead us to a deeper relationship with one another and has opened the way for a hope-filled future for both of us.

The Bible is filled with the persistent belief that despite the trauma and tragedies of life, God is still working. The message to us is that God has the ABILITY to transform any situation, no matter how hopeless, into one of hope. God promises us His hope-filled guidance and direction for our journey in this life. That’s the vision that God’s people and we need to hear again and again.

Whenever God’s vision for the future is embraced, it inspires people who hear it to participate in it. Great things happen whenever God’s people embrace God’s visions and plans for our world.

The more we allow Christ to be the center of our lives, the more we will be drawn to Him. The more we connect with the people involved in birth of Christ, the more we will embrace and participate in the God’s hope-filled vision for the future.

As we begin our Advent journey together, may Isaiah’s words of hope be the song that we sing in our souls this week as we seek to walk in the light of the LORD!

To Father, Son, and Spirit
be all glory, honor, and praise.

Here Am I!


Thank you for Joining us St. Paul’s “online worship.”

We have a link posted on the slider on the Home Menu for
1) An invitation to St. Paul’s Christmas Eve Service.
2) A Link to the Banff Ministerial Community Christmas Eve Service.

Call to Worship
God comes to us in the cry of a child:
Let every heart prepare a welcome.

God comes to us in the whisper of a loving mother:
Let every heart prepare an embrace.

God comes to us, abides in us:
Let every heart prepare to receive the Christ.
Let us worship the God who has come, who is here and who will come again.

Prayer of Adoration and Confession
God of majesty and mercy,
Creator, Christ and Spirit,
you are powerful, you are holy, and you are loving.
You come among us not as a warrior or tyrant,
but as a child. new life born among us and for us.
And so we come to worship you this day,
trusting your wisdom with Joseph,
pondering your mystery with Mary.
We offer you our love for all that you have been,
all that you are,
and all that you will be,
one God. Holy and loving, now and forever, Amen.

God of mystery and mercy,
you came to be with us and offer us new life in Christ,
and yet we often stray from your side.
You came to offer us love,
but we confess that we can be stubborn and selfish in the ways we live.
You came to reconcile all people,
but we confess that we often resist repairing relationships and so remain divided.
Forgive who we have been,
amend who we are,
and direct who we shall be.
through Jesus Christ who reaches out to us from the manger and the cross. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon
Words from Christina Rosetti fit the Advent theme for today:
“Love came down at Christmas; Love all lovely, love divine.
Love shall be our token, Love for plea and gift and sign.”
We meet God’s gift of love in the Christ Child,
whose forgiveness restores us for whatever lies ahead, giving us reason to rejoice.
Thanks be to God for this hope!

Carol: My soul gives glory to my God

Prayer for Understanding
Living, loving God, the stories of this season are familiar, so open our minds and hearts by the power of your Spirit to hear your Word afresh. Make us attentive to Jesus, the Living Word, and gift he brings to our midst. Amen.


Isaiah 52:3-12 Good News for Exiles

Psalm 98:1-9 Sing to the Lord a new song

Luke 1:26-38 Mary responds to God’s divine intrusion in her life

Sermon: “Here, Am I!”

While attending seminary at the Fuller Theological Seminary in Pasadena, California, I lived in student housing. Student housing was conveniently located just a block from the school, close to the downtown core of Pasadena, and just twenty minutes away from Dodger Stadium.

Unfortunately, it was also located next to an area of the city with a high crime rate. One of the realities of living in that section of Pasadena was that you had to think a lot about personal safety. If you didn’t, there was a high probability that you would become a crime statistic.

The apartment complex I lived in was surrounded by a high fence, with locked gates, with a locked parking garage, and other security measures. These security measures were necessary to provide us with a safe and secure living area.

These measures were a very welcome because when you live in that kind of environment, you need to feel some sense of security to keep your SANITY.

Even with all the security measures in the world, the REALITY of living in an area with a high crime rate has a funny way of creeping in. I remember one night coming back very late from work. I drove to the parking garage under the apartments, inserted my magnetic card which allowed me entrance to the garage. I drove in and found a parking spot next to one of the doors. I took out my groceries and went to one of the locked doors. I inserted a key opened it, grabbed my groceries and started walking up stairs to my apartment. I came out one door to the court yard, then went to another locked door, inserted a key, opened it and started to climb the stairs up to my apartment.

As I turned one of the corners I was startled and shocked to see a spray painted gang logo tag on one of the walls. The person or group who had managed to elude the many security measures had spray painted their gang name on this one wall.

It was as if they wanted to send a message to those of us, who called this place home, “We have managed to invade your safe little world and we are here.”

I was shocked and horrified when I saw that ugly, unnerving spray painted gang logo on the wall. I knew that my safe and secure living area had been violated by one of the local gangs. The gang logo was a sign that proclaimed that this was their territory now. I felt violated and angry because of it. I thought how dare these gang members invade and disrupt my safe world.

That experience taught me that my safe little world was not as safe and secure as I thought. Someone had entered my world to disrupt it, to catch me off guard and had changed it in ways that changed how I lived.

This taught me the valuable lesson that at any time, at any place something or someone has the potential of entering our world and changing it forever.

Have you had a similar kind of experience? Perhaps it was an act of crime, an accident, an illness, or incident that was beyond your control or imagination. Perhaps you have learned this during the past year of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Israel was aware of this fact. They quickly came to understand how quickly their fortunes could change with the invasion of an unwanted army. The great Babylonian Army invaded Palestine. They had taken Israel captive for no important reason other than they just happened to be in the way between of their goal of claiming the Egyptian empire as their own.

With the invasion of the Babylonian Army, Israel’s safe and seemingly secure world had been turned upside down. Israel was left wondering, “Where was God? Why had God allowed this terrible thing to happen?” All of their preconceived ideas about how God should act towards them had vanished into thin air.

It is into the midst of those dire and depressing circumstances that God called the prophet Isaiah to announce another invasion of sorts. This time it would be an invasion by God.

God announces to the people through the prophet Isaiah and through the invasion of a foreign nation…
“Therefore my people shall know my name; therefore in that day they shall know that it is I who speak; HERE AM I.”

Following that announcement, God tells Isaiah to get up to a high mountain and announce the Good News that…

“Your God reigns….
“The Lord has comforted his people…
“He has redeemed Israel…
“See the return of the Lord to Zion…
“The Lord had bared his holy arm…
“The Lord will go before you…

This is the good news announcement and celebration that God was intruding into their world of sorrow and despair to accomplish His great redemptive purposes. Like the spray painted gang logo on the wall of my apartment complex, God was announcing his loving and faithful presence among them,

Here am I! (Is 52:6)
all the ends of the earth shall see the salvation of our God. (Is. 52:10)

I used to think that the Christian faith offered a great deal of security, like the high fences and locked doors of my apartment complex. But then I read something that changed my perceptions about life.

I read it with new eyes and with new understanding thanks to the insights of a Presbyterian Pastor name Frederick Buechner, who wrote a wonderful book entitled “The Hungering Darkness.” It is a book of short meditations on the Christian faith.

This book brought to light some things I had overlooked in the Christmas story so many times before. Today I pass on these insights to you.

As Buechner reflects upon the Christmas story, he reminds us that the Christmas story revolves around a whole cast of unlikely characters in a very unlikely place. He reminds us of how we have become so familiar with the story that the characters and the setting to the point where we have become quite comfortable with the story of Jesus’ birth. All seems as it should be. But this is not the case. Everything in the story points to a God who invades our world, who shatters our every attempt to pigeon hole Him or to tame Him. The Christmas story reminds us that God chooses to act as God wishes to act. God doesn’t act in ways that we want or expect God to act.

When the Christmas story is read with that underlining assumption, we can never be sure
HOW God will act,
HOW God will come to us,
WHO God will use to carry his message
WHOM God will deliver his message to.

We can never be quite sure of what God will do next and we can never be totally sure of God again.

In Luke we read how the angel Gabriel appears to Mary to announce her role in God’s plan of salvation for her people. A surprising intrusion if there ever were one. And through the angel, God reveals that in his wisdom chooses to enter our world as a person. Not as an adult, not as a mighty warrior, not EVEN as an angelic being. God chooses to have his Son born into the world as a baby, a baby who is helpless and dependent upon its mother and earthly father for its needs.

The woman and her husband do not live in palaces, they have NO title, NO power, NO money, NO influence. Rather, they are poor, common people, who live in one of the most desolate places in the entire Roman Empire, and who are of a race of people despised by the ruling people.

Then Luke tells us that the King of kings is born in a stable, wrapped carefully in rags to keep him warm and placed in a feeding trough.

There in the stable the Son of God lies cooing along with the smell of the dung of the animals. Can anything ever be the same again?

The first visitors are not heads of state, nor kings, nor popes, or priests, nor anyone with title or privilege. The first visitors are shepherds, people of questionable reputation, people who do the work that no one else wants to do. It is these simple shepherds who the Angelic choir announce the birth of Jesus, God’s only son, the Christ, the Saviour. Societal outcasts and bums are given the honour of being the first to witness and to praise God for the birth of Jesus. Why not Caesar, or Herod or the Governor of Palestine, or the chief priests and scribes? Weren’t those people of greater importance than a bunch of bums watching sheep at night? Surely God is doing things the wrong way, or is He?

God demonstrates that no place is safe anymore. There is no place that we can hide from his love. There is no one, no group of people who are outside of God’s care. The Christmas story says this loud and clear.

Fred Buechner writes…
“Those who believe in God can never be in a way sure of him again. Once they have seen him in a stable, they can never be sure where he will appear or to what lengths he will go or to what ludicrous depths of self-humiliation he will descend in his wild pursuit of man. If holiness and the awful power and majesty of God were present to this least auspicious of all events, this birth of a peasant’s child, then there is no place or time so lowly and earthbound but that holiness can be present there too. And this means that we are never safe, that there is no place that we can hide from God, no place where we are safe from his power to break in two and recreate the human heart because it is just where he seems most helpless that he is most strong, and just where we least expect him that he comes most fully.” (Hungering Dark, pp.13-14)

During this season, we are reminded that the God who invades our safe little worlds as an innocent baby, who lies silently in the manger is also the one the who turns our world upside-down-and-right-side-up (Luke 1:46-56). We are reminded to that this child who starts off life in humble surroundings, whose is name means “God Saves” will end up dying humbly on a cross, promises a kingdom where God’s invading love rules all.

One of the important truths we are challenged to consider as we celebrate the birth of Jesus is how do we respond to God’s many intrusions into our safe little worlds?

Do we respond with questions, or anger, or a reluctance to embrace God’s many intrusions into our lives?

Or do we respond as Mary did in humble and obedient faith that is expressed in her word . . .
“Here, Am I, the servant of the Lord;
let it be with me according to your word.” (Luke 1:38)

It is when we say “Yes” to God’s many intrusions that God continues to use us to boldly announce his Good News that HE is HERE. And that is an intrusion that we can truly embrace with all that we are!

Moment for Mission – Preparing a Place of Welcome
Being forced to flee from one’s home and ending up in a foreign land is terrifying. There are often language, social and cultural barriers in the new place that make settling very difficult. Rani Ibrahim, the leader of the Newcomer Mission at St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church in Peterborough, Ont., sees it as his calling from God to make this transition easier for those in his community. He does this through social programming, accompaniment services and prayer gatherings. With support from Presbyterians Sharing, this mission has helped hundreds of people experience the love of God and provided people with a sense of belonging in Canada.

Prayers of the People
Spirit of Hope,
whenever the world seems confusing and bleak,
you pierce the darkness with light, bringing hope and vision for the way ahead.
This has been a difficult and confusing year of pandemic,
and so we thank you for lessons learned and changes of heart,
for new discoveries and hope restored.
As nature around us prepares for the long sleep of winter,
we pray for those who are ill or dying,
and for those who are bereaved or feel any burden of loss.
(A silence is kept.)

O God, reach out to all of us in Christ,
and give us hope for the living of these days.

O God of Peace,
within our lives and relationships, and in communities around the world,
there is conflict and antagonism, mistrust and resentment.
We pray for all places where violence has done its worst,
where cruelty and suspicion appear to win the day,
and where the vulnerable live in fear and despair.
(A silence is kept.)

O God, reach out to all of us in Christ,
and give us peace in these times.

O Creator of Joy,
we thank you for moments of joy and celebration in our lives,
for pleasure given and received,
for quiet times spent in reflection and remembering,
and for happy gatherings, even if they had to be small.
In these colder, darker days,
we remember those who feel left out or neglected,
those who have found the months of pandemic restrictions a heavy burden,
and those we find difficult to love, even at a distance.
(A silence is kept.)

Be their light and their warmth,
O God, reach out to all of us in Christ,
and give us joy to share in the days ahead.

O Love Come Down at Christmas,
you call us to live in communion with you and one another.
You form us into families, circles of friendship, and communities.
Today we pray for our family members, whether we’re close or estranged,
for our friends, whether nearby or far away,
and for neighbours who share our community, like minded or not.
(A silence is kept.)

Help us express both our love and concern in gentle words and kind actions.
O God, reach out to all of us in Christ,
and strengthen our love for you and for one another.

And now we pray together, using the words that Jesus taught:
Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name, your kingdom come,
your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory
are yours now and forever. Amen..

Carol: Go tell it on the mountain

Charge and Benediction (Romans 16:25-26)

Now to God who is able to strengthen you
according to my gospel and the proclamation of Jesus Christ,
according to the revelation of the mystery
that was kept secret for long ages but is now disclosed,
and through the prophetic writings is made known to all the Gentiles,
according to the command of the eternal God,
to bring about the obedience of faith—
to the only wise God, through Jesus Christ,
to whom be the glory forever! Amen.

Stay safe! Have a great week! Reach out to someone this week.

Prayer Partnership

Sunday, December 20 Jesus said: “Those who welcome the stranger, welcome me.” We give thanks for the Kalunba refugee ministry in Budapest, Hungary, and for Director Dóra Kanizsai-Nagy.

Monday, December 21 We pray for the Rev. John Wilson who serves as the convener of the Ministry and Church Vocations Committee for the Presbytery of Algoma and North Bay.

Tuesday, December 22 Gift-giving God, we pray that you move us to greater generosity with all the gifts entrusted to us so that we might bear witness to your love.

Wednesday, December 23 We thank God for people who pray, opening their hearts to God’s direction, trusting in God’s faithfulness, and holding others up in care.

Thursday, December 24 (Christmas Eve) Christ was born as one of us and in him God shows how much the world is loved. We pray that the light of God’s love bless and fill the world with peace.

Friday, December 25 (Christmas Day) For Christ there was no room in the inn: we pray for shelter for those who are homeless. Christ had to flee his birthplace: we pray for the safety of all refugees. Christ read scripture in the synagogue: we pray for God’s wisdom to guide us.

Saturday December 26 God of love in whom we hope, we pray that you send your peace to the vulnerable, unemployed, anxious, hurting and to those who experience violence.

The Gift of Good News


Thank you for Joining us St. Paul’s “online worship.”

Call to Worship

One: In this time of worship, we remember that God is with us.
All: God is with us in joy and in sorrow.

One: In Jesus Christ, God reshapes the past, the present and our future.
All: We wait with God for something new to emerge.

One: In this time of worship, we await the birth of Jesus.
All: We wait with hope, preparing to rejoice in Jesus’ name.

Opening Prayers
Loving God, Compassionate Son, Healing Spirit,
Holy One in Three and Three in One,
You approach us with such kindness and tenderness.
You look kindly on us, no matter what our state or condition,
Your care for this world is greater than we could ever ask or imagine:
You bring order from chaos.
You turn weeping into laughter.
You turn sorrow into joy, and death into new life.
You redeem all that appears lost, making all things new.
And so we come to you in joy,
resting from our work and responsibilities,
trusting you to bring peace amid our anxiety
and hope into these uncertain times.
Receive our worship this day
as we anticipate the difference your gifts will make to us
through Christ, your Son and our Saviour. Amen.

Generous and gracious God,
We confess the smallness of our love and the narrowness of our concern.
These days we easily become preoccupied with statistics and case numbers.
Opportunities to say thanks, to offer encouragement,
to remember each other in friendship slip by.
Anxiety turns us inward and anger can make us lash out.
Forgive us for neglecting the joy at the heart of the Advent season.
Turn our hearts back to you,
and inspire us with your love made flesh in Jesus Christ. Amen.

In Jesus Christ, we are a new creation. There is nothing we have done, nothing we could ever do, that can separate us from the love of God shown to us in Christ.
Know that you are forgiven, and with this joyful truth, have the courage to forgive one another.

Carol: Hail to the Lord’s Anointed

Prayer for Understanding

God of wisdom, by the inspiration of your Spirit, open our hearts so that we may hear and understand your Word, speaking in the scriptures. Open our minds to your renewing grace, at work in Jesus Christ, your Living Word. Then open our eyes to see what you are doing in the world. Amen.


Isaiah 61:1-11 – Good News for exiles returning home.

1 Thessalonians 5:16-24 – Final words from Paul to the church at Thessalonica

John 1:6-8, 19-28 – The Ministry of John the Baptist

Sermon: The Gift of Good News
In the name of the father the son and the Holy Spirit. Amen
This year our understanding the familiar texts of Advent are being shaped by our individual and communal experience of a global pandemic.
We have a longing for some good news about our futures.
We have a longing for healing to come those who are ill and suffering.
We have a longing for those hurting financially from this pandemic to receive some relief.
We have a longing for those suffering emotionally, spiritually and relationally to be comforted.

The portions from Isaiah that we reading this year are addressed to the people of God who have either been exiled and in living in Babylonia for over 150 years or who are returning to their homeland that has been devastated by war and famine. They are a people in desperate need of some comfort, some good news, some hope, and some concrete actions that will give them the strength and the motivation to rebuild their homeland and lives.
The Prophet Isaiah speaks to these weary people about salvation and about mission. These two themes dominate our Isaiah text for today.

Typically we think of salvation as something that is in the future after we die. If we think of salvation merely in that way, then we will tend to think of mission as exclusively evangelistic, with social action as playing a role to help people come to faith in Christ.
But when you read through the words of Isaiah 61, especially verses 1-2, you realize that this was the passage that Jesus’ used for his first sermon, where he outlined his mission. The salvation that Jesus speaks of and which defines and guides his ministry and mission is focused both on the here and now and in the future.

The spirit of the Lord is upon me
because the Lord has anointed me
to bring good news to the oppressed
to bind up the broken hearted
to proclaim Liberty to the captives
and released to the prisoners
to proclaim the year of the Lord’s favor. (Isaiah 61:1-3, Luke 4:18-19)

The salvation that Jesus proclaims and demonstrates was a one that was always focused on one’s mind, body, emotions, and spirit. In other words, the whole person. His mission healed one’s relationship with God, others and themselves.

Jesus spoke of his mission as Isaiah does in terms of the year of Jubilee language that we read about in Leviticus 25 and Deuteronomy 15. Here God orders to give the people and land a break from their hardships. Debts were cancelled. Slaves were set free. Land was returned to the original owners. The land was not farmed for that year. All of the commands God give to Israel were rooted and grounded in God’s merciful actions of freeing Israel from their Egyptian enslavement. God’s mercy and salvation are offered to all, especially the least and most vulnerable in their society.

Jesus used this text Isaiah 61:1-3, along with Isaiah 29:18-19, 35:5-6 to reassure his imprisoned cousin John the Baptizer that he had not been wrong to point others to Him as the Messiah. The Kingdom of God Jesus spoke of was the fulfilment of hopes, dreams and revelations of the prophets like Isaiah.

So here we are 9 months into this horrible pandemic,
still trying to survive it,
still trying to care for others and others are care for us,
still trying to carry out God’s mission to the people around us as Jesus did.
Thankfully, we received the good news that one of the Covid-19 vaccines is beginning to be distributed around the world. I am grateful for the all the hardworking folk that have worked tirelessly to get the vaccine developed and those who will get the vaccines out and distributed.
At this point we needed to hear that Good News.

I pray that the voice of reason and divine common sense will speak louder and longer to convince people to be vaccinated for their own good and for the good of the larger society. Surely love of neighbor includes being vaccinated for the sake of the larger community.

The call “to bind up the broken-hearted” is ever present with us. I hear a call to listen in those words and to bring whatever emotional, financial, spiritual resources God has blessed us with to help a family member, a neighbor, or a stranger who stands before us at any given moment. I believe Jesus told us a parable about doing just that (Luke 10.25-37).

In these long months of social distancing and mask wearing, the call “to proclaim release to the captives” are words that I pray for all who we have not been able to see, or touch, or gather without love for them and their safety. These include, loved ones in hospitals, in nursing homes, in other parts of the country, those who are vulnerable to disease because of the pandemic.
So too, I believe this is call to action to anyone to assist in whatever way we can those who are struggling psychologically through this pandemic. The question “How are you?” continues to be three important words that need to be asked again and again. I pray that you have someone in your life for whom you can answer that question honestly and unfiltered.

One of the world’s great need is to “release prisoners” those bound by their selfish, sinful, common sense denying foolishness that is so present in our time. Sadly, Christians have not been immune from this kind of foolishness and have regrettably been communicators of it. Unfortunately, more than ever we need to fact check what people say and share. This includes so many passages of Scripture that are quoted without understanding their Biblical, historical, or theological contexts. As a preacher, I hate it when Scripture is used an as excuse for not loving our neighbor as Jesus taught and demonstrated.

In the midst of so much troubling and concerning news, I want to close with a story that reassured me, gave me some much needed hope and joy this week. It also helped me to understand how to live out this passage. Many of you know that I have been spending a lot of time with my wife at the Tom Baker Cancer Centre in Calgary lately. It has been an eye opening experience for me on many levels. I have witnessed simple and truly remarkable acts of caring of individuals to hurting people.

This week, I witnessed a caring son looking after his feisty (to put it mildly) mother with dementia getting ready for a radiation treatment. He caringly answered his mothers’ same questions again and again. He compassionately consoled his mother every time she asked him, “Why is this cancer happening to me? He found moments of humor to lift his mother’s spirit, recalling good times they had shared. He joked with his mom about the trials that they were facing together.

I saw and heard in this son’s loving words and behavior a living and breathing example of the Year of Jubilee – Kingdom of God – mission that Jesus and proclaimed and demonstrated. And in the midst of everything that seems to be going wrong in our lives and in our world, I heard good news. I saw a woman broken heart being healed. I saw a woman being released from her worries in brief and significant moments. I saw a herald and missionary of good news caring, serving and helping someone he loved at a time when that person needed love, assurance, and hope the most.

Whether the son knew it or not, he pointed me and I hope you as well, once again to the One whose birth we prepare ourselves to celebrate. And he reminded me of our roles as John the Baptists, who are called to point others to Christ. And this brings me comfort hope, and joy, as I hope it does for you in the midst of your circumstances.

The Spirit of the Lord is upon each of us as Christ’s Messengers of Good News in this Season Advent. May we join in following Christ’s Jubilee / Missional actions so that the people we encounter may experience God’s ever present salvation of our whole selves in Christ.

The Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be all glory, praise, and honor. Amen.

Song: That boy-child of Mary

Moment for Mission – Halidu’s Shop Equips Others

In Ghana, Halidu manages a prosperous and bustling training centre where he teaches kente weaving and dressmaking. When Halidu was young, he developed a sore that led to his leg being amputated. During his recovery, Halidu enrolled in a Presbyterian World Service & Development-supported program that equips people with disabilities with skills to obtain a livelihood. During workshops, he learned vocational skills that included weaving, tailoring and dressmaking. Today, Halidu is using what he learned during his recovery to lead a healthy, productive life and run a successful business.

Prayers of the People

Come, Christ Jesus, be our guest
and enter our lives today with your blessing.
We are lonely for you and the peace you bring.
Draw near to us in friendship and faithfulness
so that in this season which combines celebration in the face of uncertainty,
we may know your presence …
and sing with all your people:
Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

Come, Christ Jesus, be our guide
and show us the way to wisdom and gratitude.
We are thankful for the kindness we know in friends and good neighbours,
in warm houses and warm smiles,
which hold off the darkness and fear for the future.
Encourage us to reach out to those who need your embrace and ours…
so that together we may sing of your presence:
Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

Come, Christ Jesus, be our hope
and touch us with your healing and grace.
We remember before you all those we know and those know to you alone
Who are living with loss or illness this season,
those who face depression or discouragement,
and all who will find it hard to be merry this year.
We share their names who we are concerned about today.
Shine the light of your comfort into their lives…
as we sing of the hope that dawns in your love:
Rejoice, rejoice, Emmanuel shall come to thee, O Israel.

Come, Christ Jesus, be our king
and claim your rightful place in our hearts.
Our world is struggling for the justice and mercy you bring.
Draw near to our leaders and all citizens working for peace and justice,
and those striving to contain and heal the effects of the pandemic.
Encourage honourable action and co-operation on all sides.
Give hope to people under oppression
and to those who live with fear or hunger day by day.
Hasten the day when the world’s peoples will live as neighbours
reconciled in your truth and freedom.

We offer you these prayers in the name of Jesus Christ,
using the words he taught us to pray…

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name, your kingdom come,
your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory
are yours now and forever. Amen.

Song: People in darkness are looking for light

Charge and Benediction (words of hymn “May the God of hope”)

May the God of hope go with you every day
Filling all your lives with love and joy and peace.

May the God of justice speed you on our way,
Bringing light and hope to every land and race.

Praying let us work for peace,
Singing, share our joy with all.
Working for a world that’s new,
Faithful as we hear Christ’s call.

Go in peace! Have a great week! Reach out to someone this week.

Prayer Partnership

Sunday, December 13 We give thanks for the Garu Community-Based Rehabilitation program in Ghana, which provides training to people with disabilities, helping ensure they have the necessary resources to lead healthy and productive lives.

Monday, December 14 We pray for the wisdom to understand and be thankful for what it means to have enough during the consumer-driven Christmas rush.

Tuesday, December 15 We pray for the people, ministries and mission of the Presbytery of Essex-Kent in Ont.

Wednesday, December 16 We pray that God fills us with the wisdom of the scriptures, the grace of Christ and the understanding of the Holy Spirit so that we may be a church of people with vision who are at work in the world.

Thursday, December 17 We thank God for financial and prayer support received from congregations for Presbyterians Sharing in 2020 to support the ministry of the General Assembly and its committees.

Friday, December 18 (International Migrants Day) We pray for the safe and just treatment of foreign temporary workers in Canada, as well as for organizations and individuals working for the humane treatment of migrant workers and members of their families.

Saturday, December 19 We pray for the cold and hungry, that they not only find local meal and shelter programs, but also compassion during this winter season.

Messengers of Comfort

In person worship services have been temporarily suspended until Jan. 10, 2021. We do so out love for our neighbors and in support of our hard working medical staff in the Bow Valley.

Call to Worship:
One: Now is the time to get ready:
All: Let us prepare the way of the Lord!

One: Now is the time to be changed:
All: Let us repent and seek forgiveness.

One: Now is the time to welcome God into our midst:
All: Let us worship God in humble expectation.

Carol: On Jordan’s Bank

Prayer of Adoration and Confession

God of all times and places, you are holy and loving.
You create pathways where there is no path.
You prepare us to receive wonders beyond imagining.
In every time and every place, you have raised up leaders
who point to your glory and honour your greatness.
You have called us by name, baptized us with water and with the Holy Spirit.
You bless us for abundant living, and set us in the world to serve you.
We are your people, and so we worship you
as our Creator, our Redeemer, and the Breath of our lives,
one God, now and always.

John the Baptizer called people to repent
and so we join together in confession, seeking God’s grace.

God of mercy,
We confess that we resist changing our hearts and minds,
even when your Word compels us to reconsider cherished opinions.
We are more comfortable remaining as we are than taking up your challenge.
Forgive us for being set in our ways,
and seeing others only in light of inherited ideas and past experience.
Forgive us our reluctance to forgive each other as we have been forgiven.
By the power of your Holy Spirit, transform us by your great love and mercy.
Give us new eyes for seeing, new ears for hearing.
In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Assurance of Pardon
Jesus said, ‘Come to me, all you who labour and are heavy laden and I will give you rest.’ Friends, trust that peace and forgiveness are God’s gift to you this day.
Be renewed by the power of the Holy Spirit that moves with you into each new day. May the peace of Christ be with you all.

Prayer for Understanding
God of grace, still our busy minds so that we will hear your Word speaking through the scripture. By your Spirit, create a space within us to receive your wisdom your mercy, and your invitation to live for you. Amen.


Isaiah 40:1-11 Isaiah announces the comforting news that God is providing a way home to the Exiles in Babylon.

Mark 1:1-8 Mark begins his Gospel with John the Baptist’s ministry in the wilderness of the Jordan River.

Sermon: Messengers of Comfort

On this Second Sunday of Advent we hear the beginning words of Mark’s Good News of Jesus Christ. He begins with John the Baptist in the wilderness. He quotes from Isaiah chapter 40, . . .

“See, I am sending my messenger ahead of you, who will prepare your way; the voice of one crying out in the wilderness: ‘Prepare the way of the Lord, make his paths straight”

This is the Good News announcement that in Jesus Christ, God was fulfilling his promise of building a divine highway through the deserts and wildernesses of our lives. This divine highway is one that leads us back to God and to our rightful home with Him.

It is typical during the season of Advent and Christmas for us to experience a deep sense of longing to be home. This sounds strange this year as many are living in places where no stay at home orders have been issued by local health authorities. Perhaps that is why we hear more than ever people who long for a better kind of home than they experienced growing up in homes disrupted and destroyed by violence, abuse, or neglect. Regardless if our experiences of home have been positive or negative, there is this natural and deep and abiding longing to be home.

More than in any other time of the year it seems that we are able to relate to the familiar words of the prophet Isaiah in the midst of our own wilderness wanderings and our personal and communal exile.

When we hear the prophetic words of Isaiah, when we hear the anxious cries of a people in exile, and when we hear the challenging words of John the Baptist, we are apt to hear within our souls our own deep longing to be home. There is something in their words that makes us long to experience the kind of home that God has revealed in the words of the Prophets, the Apostles and most fully in words of Jesus.

Like our spiritual ancestors, the wildernesses and sense of exile of our lives be they of our own making or imposed upon by forces beyond our control, are places and situations where we lose our way, wander from the path, and get lost. Exile is always that time when we become enslaved to false gods, dreams, and values of an alien empire. The time of this pandemic has certainly been one of those important times in our lives and world.

Our experiences of Exile and Wilderness be they real or imagined, physical or spiritual, recent or in our past, are places foreign to us. They are places that unsettle us and promote us to long for a place of peace, love, and comfort. In other words, to long for home.

Which of the familiar words of the carols and the familiar words of the Christmas story, have you heard over and over, which stir your memory, gnaw at your soul, and beckon you to come home to God?

Could they be just a simple coincidence or a result of creative advertising by the media? Or could it be that God desires that we all rediscover a sense of home that can only be found in going home to Him and found in being at peace with one another?

St. Augustine, a Christian leader of the 4th Century A.D., rightly expressed this sense of longing to be home with God in one of his prayers . . .
“Our hearts are restless, O God, until they rest in you.”

Could it be that St. Augustine was thinking about Isaiah’s words . . .
“In the wilderness prepare the way of the LORD,
make straight in the desert a highway for our God.”

In the midst of this Advent Season, we are once again reminded that God has sought us and paved a new way back to HIM through Christ in the midst of our own wildernesses and exiles.

We are reminded that the God, who was present with His people in their wilderness wanderings, and present with them in their forced exile in a foreign land, continues to be present with us through His Son, who became John in his Gospel said became “flesh and blood and moved into the neighborhood of our world” (John 1:14, The Message).

Both Isaiah and John the Baptist boldly declare the Good News that we can always come home to God. The They boldly invite us to come home to God no matter how long or how far away we have been away from Him. They boldly call us to come home no matter how many detours we have made in trying to get home. And they boldly encourage us to come home no matter how long we have avoided making the important steps to be at peace with God.

Let us also be bold in joining with Isaiah and John in announcing this Good News to others through our gracious our words and actions.
Therefore, let us as Isaiah challenges us to do to . . .
Get up to the high mountains,
and let us lift up our voices with strength,
not being afraid to lift them up;
and let us say to the people of the Bow Valley,
“Here is your God!
Now is the time to come home!

To Father, Son, and Holy Spirit be all praise, glory and honor.
(Please note: This sermon was inspired by and from a sermon “Returning” by Rev. Dr. William Willamon)

Special Music: Comfort, Comfort ye my people
First Plymouth Church of Lincoln, Nebraska

Mission Moment – Youth Clubs Make a Difference

In Malawi, 20-year-old Layton had been engaging in unsafe sexual behaviours. Several of Layton’s friends attended Presbyterian World Service & Development-supported youth clubs, where they would get together and discuss how to achieve a world without AIDS. His friends warned him about the consequences of his actions and shared information they learned at the youth club. Layton never thought to attend these meetings until one day when his friends persuaded him to get an HIV test. Anxious about the results—which eventually came back negative—Layton knew he needed to change his life. Deciding to join the youth club himself, he reflected, “I think my friends from youth club saved my life. I joined them so that we can save many from such behaviours.”

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

God of Wisdom and Patience,
In this season of Advent, we wait for your gifts of hope and peace
to claim the world once more.
We wait on you in prayer, knowing you hear us even before we speak.
Prepare our hearts and minds to welcome the coming of your Son once again,
and prepare our courage and conviction to follow the way of the Lord.

Thank you for leading us on the Way, especially in these difficult days
when the pandemic still threatens, and people are so divided.
We are grateful that we can rely on your strength and comfort
when so much around us has become uncertain.
Comfort those who are troubled in mind or spirit as the days grow shorter.
Strengthen the bodies and spirits of those who are tired or suffering.
Embrace those who are living with loss,
and protect children and young people
for whom the future seems confusing and unimaginable.

God who makes all things new,
Turn our lives upside down
and shake out the unnecessary distractions of this season.
Focus us on what is truly important and who truly matters to us.
Turn our lives upside right
so that our priorities and purposes match those we have learned from Jesus.
Shape and reshape us until we conform to his way of living and his likeness.

Turn us upside down, O God,
so that we value what is hidden and small more than what is showy and grand.
Open our eyes to the needs of the most vulnerable in our community
and help us speak out with them and for them,
even if we must challenge those who usually get their way.
Turn us right side up, O God,
so that we can see we have more than enough resources to share
with those who have much less than they need day by day.

Hear us now as we name places, people, and situations that need your care:

God, you are Alpha and Omega, our beginning and our end.
Strengthen us with your Spirit to build your kingdom,
here and now, now and always.
Hear us as we pray together, using the words that Jesus taught:
And now we pray together, using the words that Jesus taught us:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name, your kingdom come,
your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory
are yours now and forever. Amen.

Carol: Hark the Glad Sound

Charge and Benediction (Eph.6:23-24)

We are sent into new week by Christ
To be his messengers of peace to those who discouraged, fearful, and anxious.
We go announce the Good News that in Christ we find our peace and rest.

May peace be to you, the whole community,
and love with faith,
from God the Father
and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Grace be to you with all
who have an undying love
for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Prayer Partnership

Sunday, December 6 We pray for Hamilton Banda and volunteers at the Ndirande Handicapped Centre in Malawi who provide support to people with physical and mental disabilities, especially to children and their families.

Monday, December 7 We pray for all in the church as we seek to be in communion with people holding differing theological views. We pray for compassion and understanding to keep us as one in Christ.

Tuesday, December 8 We pray for the health and safety of people serving and worshipping in ministries with Indigenous Peoples.

Wednesday, December 9 We pray for chaplains who serve in correctional facilities, and for the Rev. Glenn McCullough, our denominational representative to the Interfaith Committee on Chaplaincy for Corrections Canada.

Thursday, December 10 (Human Rights Day) We pray for individuals and organizations defending human rights in Canada and around the world. We pray for their safety and the safety of those they support and protect.

Friday, December 11 We pray for the people of Palestine-Israel who work for peace.

Saturday, December 12 We give thanks for all those who are restless for peace throughout the world, those who inspire others to resist injustice and defend inequality.

Wounded Waiters

Call to Worship:
The heavens are trembling with anticipation,
And we wait for Jesus.

The nights are long and the days are short,
And we wait for Jesus.

Our redemption is drawing near,
And we wait for Jesus.

Let us hope in God and worship as people ready to see the salvation of our God!

Carol: O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Prayer of Adoration and Confession

Creator God, You made the heavens and the earth.
You set the planets in their courses, lit the sun with fire,
caused the stars to shine and the world to turn.
Life springs up wherever your breath moves.
In Jesus Christ, you brought hope into a world full of fear and despair.
You sent your Spirit to enliven our hope and guide us on the way.
We are waiting now in anxious times for the world to be made new.
We wait for new life, and we wait with deep hope.

Redeeming God,
We confess that waiting is difficult for us.
We want to be comfortable in this festive season,
but the pandemic keeps us anxious and unhappy.
We complain about our own troubles
and close our eyes to the suffering of others,
Forgive us for ignoring truths do not want to see.
Forgive us for seeking our own comfort at the cost of others.
Give us eyes to perceive the great need within our community.
Give us eyes to see the deep need within our own lives.
Turn our hearts to you again and again.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

Assurance of Pardon
Friends, the good news of Jesus Christ is for all people. There is nothing we have done, nothing we will ever do, that will separate us from the love of God made known in Jesus Christ. This love is yours! So live in love as forgiven and forgiving people.

Prayer for Understanding
God of grace, you speak words of hope in the midst of our fear. Send us your Holy Spirit to open our ears to that hope. Guide us to interpret the signs of these times through the lens of your grace, so that we may find comfort and courage in your promises through Christ, your Living Word. Amen


Isaiah 64:1-16 “Tear open the heavens and come down,” cries the prophet. Israel is in exile and needs deliverance.

Mark 13:24-37 While at the temple in Jerusalem with his disciples Jesus speaks of the end times and tells them a parable meant to give them insomnia.

Sermon: Wounded Waiters

For many of us waiting is not something we like to do. We have spent much of our adult lives rushing from one appointment to another, one errand to another, only to find that once we get to our destination we have to wait to be served, wait to see the person we wanted to see, or wait for our children’s activity to finish. We wait for this and for that.

I have to confess that I am an impatient “waiter.” I want to get to my destination and appointment “on time,” I want things to happen “on time” at their appointed times. I dislike waiting, which my wife will gladly attest

So here we are 8 months plus into a global pandemic and we are exhausted from waiting for it to be over. As a result I believe we all have a better understanding of Isaiah’s cry of impatience to God in the midst of Israel’s forced exile in a foreign land.
“O that you would tear open the heavens and come down,”
(Isaiah 64:1)

The prophet cries out to God to intervene and deliver God’s people. He openly confesses that Israel has made bad choices that led to their exile. Israel needs and is impatient for God’s deliverance in the midst of their difficult situation.

Isaiah’s sentiments and laments resonate within me more than ever during this Advent. This pandemic has been hard on everyone in so many different ways. I want some relief as I am sure you do as well. I want God to step in and deliver us as God did of old too like Isaiah cries out for. And like Israel, I want God to have done so, not today, but yesterday.

I can relate to Isaiah’s frustration with his fellow citizens being foolish as I continue to hear people argue over mask wearing, social distancing, and personal rights versus social responsibility. What about God’s call to love, serve, forgive, encourage one another? What about God’s call to the puts needs of others before our own and to look after our weaker brothers and sisters?

I can feel the agony of the prophet feelings that God is absent from their situation. I have shared those feelings from time to time throughout this pandemic. One thing that I have learned to do in this pandemic is to lament and cry out for help like the Psalmists and the Prophets do.

In the middle of Isaiah’s cry for help, Isaiah reminds God, which is also a reminder to himself, “Yet, O LORD, you are our Father; we are the clay, and you are our potter; we are all the work of your hand.” (Isaiah 64:10)

When I come across a verse that mentions “clay and a potter,” I am all over it with a name like mine. Isaiah reminds God (and himself) that God is the Creator / Parent of us all. God is the one who is continually shaping of us into the people God wants us to be, be they good or difficult times. This echoes what we heard from David’s reflections in Psalm 139:1-18 that we looked at a couple weeks ago.

God shaped Israel as a nation profoundly through their time exile just as God shaped and formed Israel through its difficult 40 year wilderness journey. Both exile and wilderness journeys were times of waiting on God, calling on God to help, calling on God to intercede on their behalf, and learning what it meant to be the people of God as they waited on God in those times.

Jesus spoke to his disciples about the end times in what was to be his last visit there before his trials that lead to his death. Jesus described a world was that seemed out of control naturally, relationally, and religiously. When Mark wrote this gospel as Peter’s scribe and editor, the world was falling apart, the was being persecuted, the Jerusalem temple had been destroyed, many had fled to the hills to avoid the deadly fate of those who stayed in Jerusalem under the Roman siege of it. Many of the events Jesus has shared had literally come true.

Jesus’ word to those who are remaining faithful in uncertain times, as we are doing now, is to stay alert for the signs of the kingdom in our midst, those very small but important acts that reveal God’s presence with us. Bless all of you who are doing your best to keep connected to and encouraging family, friends and neighbors. You are much needed signs of the kingdom that people need right now. Bless all the wounded angels among us who care and support others as they themselves are hurting. Two such angels dropped off food for my family this week.

Jesus also reminds us to keep awake and to stay active in carrying out God’s mission in the world (i.e. 1. Bring honor to God, 2. love God and neighbor, 3. be and make faithful followers of Jesus). Until Christ returns, we are on the front lines of being God’s agents of God’s Grace, Love, and Good News.

As our wonderful and tired and exhausted frontline health care workers know so well, you can’t let down your guard even especially when the Covid-19 numbers are going in the wrong direction. A COVID-19 vaccine is on the horizon and has not arrived yet, but it’s coming. This along with a great love for others, a desire to fulfil their mandate as healers and helpers pushes them on to the get job done of healing and protecting others done.

On this first Sunday of Advent, in the midst of a global pandemic, we are given new ways to relate to the laments and desires of Isaiah and Israel for God the Potter to “come down and intervene” in our midst. We continue our laments and prayers for our world as a people of faith who love our world be it our neighbor next door or the person on the other side of the world who is hurting in various ways as we are in this pandemic .

And as we begin this Advent season reminded that the signs of our times continue to point us to the One who did “come down and intervene” on our behalf and who promises He will come again as sure as we see signs of spring each year. But in the meantime, there is still work to be done on our Master’s behalf during this season, even as we are tired and exhausted.

May God help us all to be his faithful wounded waiters as we bring comfort and hope to those who are struggling under heavy burdens this season.

To Father, Son and Spirt, be all glory and praise.

Mission Moment –Responding to COVID-19 Globally

As COVID-19 continues to affect people and communities around the world, Presbyterian World Service & Development (PWS&D) is responding to some of those most impacted. After initially supporting lifesaving and urgent care projects, PWS&D is now helping provide long-term COVID-19 relief through Canadian Foodgrains Bank and ACT Alliance. Given the enormous risk of food insecurity, food aid is being provided. PWS&D is also helping ensure families have access to clean water and sanitation, and that COVID-19 prevention messages are being shared. Additionally, psychosocial support is being offered to help cope with the effects of the pandemic.

Prayers of Thanksgiving and Intercession

Merciful God, the signs of our times are worrisome.
We gather in your presence, aware that the earth groans in pain and many people are suspicious of each other.
We thank you for your comforting presence in times of suffering and uncertainty, and for your promise of life beyond death, and hope beyond fear.
As the longest night of this year draws nearer, comfort those who dread the darkness and direct those who have lost their way.
Wherever people are overwhelmed by the demands of this season and the complications of COVID-19, let them hear your still small voice within all the clamour and confusion, and catch a glimpse of your light shining in the night.

God of all our days and nights, we remember that the days leading up to Christmas are difficult for many, especially this year.
We pray for those who are hungry and cold.
Alert us to the ways that we can set a feast for those in our community and beyond whose cupboards are bare.
Warm them with your love.
We pray for those who are grieving.
Make us patient and compassionate companions to those in mourning, even when we’re not sure what to say.
Fill emptiness with your comfort.

We remember those who are feeling very isolated this year.
Inspire our hearts with ideas of how to reach out in friendship.
Bring hope to the lonely with your friendship.

We pray for those who feel like the world is ending; whose lives have been uprooted by fire, flood, or storm, illness, job loss or death.
Steady us amid the upheavals of this year of pandemic and remind us that you alone are constant.
Your steadfast love will see us through.
Heaven and earth may pass away,
but you are the source of everlasting life and undiminished hope.
Help us trust in you, no matter what is happening.

And now we pray together, using the words that Jesus taught us:

Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name, your kingdom come,
your will be done, on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us.
Save us from the time of trial and deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power, and the glory
are yours now and forever. Amen.

Carol: Come thou long expected Jesus

Charge and Benediction (Rom. 15:13)

We are sent into new week by Christ
To be his agents of hope, comfort, and encouragement
to those who we reach out and encounter

May the God of hope
fill you with all joy and peace in believing,
so that you may abound in hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

The stories and meaning behind three lesser known carols

We look at the stories of three lesser known carols “In the bleak mid winter,” “See amid the winter’s snow,” and “Once in Royal David’s City.” Each of these carols points us to the meaning of the mystery and implications of the Word made flesh in Christ.