Dangerous Spirituality

Christian spirituality is a spirituality that comes from God to us as God reveals himself to us through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit through prayer, study of the Bible and through obedience guides us, stretches us, teaches us, convicts us, and enables us to be blessed and blessing people in our neighborhoods.

Prayer of God’s Great Commissioners

Before his death Jesus for his disciples and us that we would be protected, dedicated, and united in our efforts of glorifying God as we are sent out into the world.

Do you believe this?

Jesus asked Martha at the time of her brother Lazarus’ death, do you believe “I am the resurrection and the life?”  This is a good question for us to ponder on Easter Sunday.  And likewise how are living as people who believe that Jesus is the Resurrection and the Life.

How’s your love life?

Jesus teaches us about love before his death and Paul teaches us about the love Jesus taught and demonstrated.

What Drives You?

Our chief and goal in this life and the next is the same as Christ’s to bring glory, honor and praise to God.  May this goal be ours as individuals and ours as a church as we meet for our Annual General Meeting.

Mary’s Gift

Mary’s costly gift of anointing Jesus’ feet with perfume was welcomed and received by him before his entry into Jerusalem.   How well do we receive the ministry of others and to whom are we offering costly gifts in the name of Christ?

The Hour

The Hour of Jesus’ passion had come.  We explore the meaning of that hour what it means for us as his followers

Thirsty Souls, come and drink

Jesus invites us to 1) see him as he truly is so we may trust him, 2) to leave behind inferior thirst quenchers so we may embrace his give of living water, 3)  Himself into the areas of our brokenness so we may be healed by him.

I am only the messenger

John’s the Baptist’s response to his followers envy over Jesus’ success teaches us important lessons about our role in our relationship to Jesus and the greater church.

Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild?

Jesus’ sign of cleansing the temple challenges our views of of meek and mild Jesus who never says or does anything offensive or challenging.  Jesus’ provocative actions and words challenges anything in our personal and communal lives that keep people from coming to God.