Worship at St. Paul’s.
We are currently taking a cautious approach to our in-person Worship at St. Paul’s. Out of love for our vulnerable members and love of our neighbours near and far, we are following all provincial and local safety guidelines for our worship services.
Anyone wishing to worship with us will follow the guidelines listed below:
1) Everyone will wear a mask while in our buildings.
2) We will maintain 2 meter/6 feet spacing between individuals or family groups during worship and while in our buildings.
3) Entry into the church will be through the Banff Avenues doors and exit through the Church Hall on Wolf Avenue
4) Our bathrooms are closed and so we ask that use a public bathroom (i.e. On the corner of Banff Ave and Wolf St. by the High School field.
5) We are not having Sunday School or In-Person Coffee Hours after worship.
6) We will quietly sing during worship.
If you are not ready to attend in-person or follow the safety procedures for worshipping at St. Paul’s, then . . .
Read the manuscript of our worship services under the Sermon menu.
And on our Youtube channel: St. Paul’s Presbyterian Church, Banff, Alberta https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCHak6P9gfWJAj3qd_GdDrPA
[We are currently not recording our worship services as our Church Videographer has moved.]
We are look forward to meeting you and worshipping with us at St. Paul’s.