Angry with God!

Like Jonah we sometimes get angry with God for being too gracious to those who don’t deserve it.  God always leave the door open for us  to come to our senses and come home to open arms.

Our Ordination

25th Anniversary of my ordination.  Our Ordination as it is tied to our baptism.

The God who searches for us and knows us

We like to play hide and seek with God in a variety of ways.  The Psalmist rejoices and is assured that there is no place we can hide from God.  We are never beyond God’s gracious gaze.

The One who knows and searches us

The Psalmist Praises God for knowing him intimately.  The Psalmist is assured and comforted by this.  The Psalm as a whole invites us to praise God as well to ponder how open and honest are we with God.

Wrestling With God

Jacob’s wrestling match with God is a powerful story for all who wrestle with faith issues.  Jacob comes to know who he is as well as who God is as a result of his personal and spiritual struggles


We’ve all got a story to tell.  The Psalmist praises God for his link to the larger salvation history of his spiritual family.  In remembering God’s faithfulness in the past, the Psalmist is given to face whatever today and tomorrow brings.