Following Jesus on his terms not ours

Mark reveals Jesus as the Suffering Anointed One or Messiah. Jesus reveals that in order to follow Him we must follow him and join him in his suffering ministry for others.

Everyday Emmaus Encounters

The story of the Emmaus Road reminds that the Risen Christ continues to reveal himself in the ordinary events, places and people of our lives.

Fools for Christ

This year Easter falls on April Fools Day and this gives us the perfect opportunity to reflect on Paul’s words in 1 Cor 1:18 “For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”


Jesus commands us to Go make disciples of all nations. WE focus on being faithful and open to Go where God directs us.

He Showed them His Scars

The disciples recognized the Risen Christ by his scars. God uses our emotional and spiritual scars to point people to the healing power of the Risen Christ.

United by Prayer

Paul, by example, calls the church at Ephesus to be united in prayer. Prayer unites as we focus on the same goals and blessings from God.

Spiritual Blessings in Christ: Part 1

Jesus last earthly act was to bless his disciples. Paul’s reminds us of how God has blessed us through Christ with the gift of inclusion into God’s family and the gift of forgiveness. We show our appreciation of these amazing gifts by including others and forgiving them just as we have been.