Pass it on!

On this Reformation Sunday, we remember those who passed on the faith to us and remember our responsibility to pass it on to others

Thanksgiving Parable

We celebrate Canada’s Thanksgiving Sunday with intergenerational worship with lots of music, prayers and a good story for all ages.

The Table of Forgiveness

This sermon on World Communion Sunday focuses on our need to come humbly to the Table of our Lord where we remember the cost of our forgiveness and are inspired to be a forgiving people.

Kindred Spirits

On this combined service with the Banff Korean Church we turn to Ecclesiastes, Proverbs and Jesus to teach us how to be good friends to one another.

Many names, but the same meal

World Communion Sunday.  We use many names for the meal Jesus taught us to observe: the Lord’s Supper, Eucharist, Holy Communion, Sacrament.  Each of these names give us guidance as to how we are work cooperatively with our fellow Christians locally and globally.

Our Ordination

25th Anniversary of my ordination.  Our Ordination as it is tied to our baptism.