I am only the messenger

John’s the Baptist’s response to his followers envy over Jesus’ success teaches us important lessons about our role in our relationship to Jesus and the greater church.

Gentle Jesus Meek and Mild?

Jesus’ sign of cleansing the temple challenges our views of of meek and mild Jesus who never says or does anything offensive or challenging.  Jesus’ provocative actions and words challenges anything in our personal and communal lives that keep people from coming to God.

Finding and Following

The story of Philip and Nathaniel becoming disciples give insight  into how we come to faith in Christ and how we can share our faith in Christ.

Baby Talk

God comes to us the baby Jesus, who is the embodiment of his grace and truth. This baby grows up and teaches us, who are children of God, how to truly live as children of God.

The Last Straw

Late Christmas Service:  A Story for young and old.  God goes out of his way to show his love to us.

Nighty night, baby Jesus

Early family Service.  A story for young and old alike.  How do we welcome Jesus in our lives?

God’s Productive Word

God’s Word (a.k.a. Jesus) comes into the world to be the power for all to become true children of God through believing in the Word made flesh.