God’s Prophetic Word

God’s Prophetic Word is about pointing others to Jesus, who gives life and light to all who believe in Him.

God’s Creative Word

God’s creative activity in creation, the new creation, and the advent of Christ becomes a model for how we can communicate the good news of Christ to our community.

The Grace of Giving

Giving of our time, talent, treasure and trust is an act of grace inspired by God and God’s grace-filled people.

Good Investments

God praises us when we trust him enough to invest in his Kingdom work.

Godly Grief

Godly grief or regret draws us closer to Gof

Many names, but the same meal

World Communion Sunday.  We use many names for the meal Jesus taught us to observe: the Lord’s Supper, Eucharist, Holy Communion, Sacrament.  Each of these names give us guidance as to how we are work cooperatively with our fellow Christians locally and globally.